Just another week up here in Sunyani. It's true, I've been here for a long time now. I love it here but because we are only a unit and the church is so small here, it is kind of difficult. I love it here though. It's funny because everytime I am walking down a street or anything, I always here my name being yelled by somebody. It seems like every single little kid in Fiapre knows my name...but the only problem is that they don't always say "Kitchen." This is random but here is a list of names that I have been called here. Elder Kitchen, Pastor Kitchen, Father Kitchen, Mr. Kitchen, and then onto the funny ones, Elder Chicken, Pastor Chicken, Father Chicken, and Mr. Chicken. I think that is all of them. It's pretty funny. I always laugh when a group of random kids all run up and say Mr Chicken! Haha.
So this Tuesday was good but sad. Two missionaries that have been here for a while left. Elder Mathemba from Zimbabwe and Elder Brown from Ghana. They both went down south to the Cape Coast area. Elder Mathemba has been in my zone since I got here. Now I've been in Sunyani the longest. Then later that day we didn't have water coming from the city line so we had to get water from our big tank of water outside that is called a polytank. We had to sit on the top of it and fetch the water out like a well. Then on Wednesday we went and saw Gladis and she gave us some Banku. She also gave us some of her favorite meat which is intestines! I'll be completely honest, they aren't really my favorite. It tasted a lot like that thick cow skin but it had little tubes coming out of it and it looked like a heart or something. Then we went to Bertha's and watched the short restoration film with her and that went good. Then at night the power went out so we had no water and no power and it was extremely hot. I woke up in the middle of the night and I was drenched in sweat. Luckily it came back though. Then Thursday, the city of Fiapre still had no water. Sister Affiah and her family didn't have water so we had to go to a well that was far away and help them carry it back to their house. It was very heavy. Then they gave us some food and it was good. Elder Belnap and I didn't feel too good a little later but then Sister Affiah ended up calling us and told us that she had made fufu for us so we went and ate it. Then on Saturday we woke up and the water was flowing so our tank was completely full. The pressure is still bad so we still have to shower with buckets. Then on Sunday we had church and again, none of our investigators came to church but I guess that is just Fiapre. Luckily there is always another week. Then after church we went and saw Bertha and her family and then went to Sister Affiahs to make them pancakes because they loved them the last time we made them. When we were on our way there, we got stuck in a huge rainstorm. We got to their house and we were soaked! It was fun though and we made pancakes and they really liked them. Then this morning we played rugby for our activity. It was a lot of fun. So my week was alright! I love you guys! Have a great week!
Love Elder Kitchen
Elder Kitchen and Elder Brown |
Elder Mathemba and Elder Kitchen |
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Mission Tour Sunyani |