Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013

Hey everybody!

So this week I luckily feel a lot better than I did last week. We played some basketball at the Stake Center but I took ibuprofen halfway through so now I don't have a headache! :)  So this week we had a mission conference on Wednesday and it was a lot of fun. I was able to see a bunch of people that I haven't seen in a while and for some of them, it will probably be the last time that I see them again which was kind of sad. The meeting went really well though and I got my flight plans!!! haha pretty crazy to see that.  I'm not sure but I think you were also supposed to have it Mom, so hopefully you have it and have forwarded and stuff. If not, I'm flying through London, then Dallas and then I'll be getting to Utah by about 5:05 pm.  Pretty crazy that I have a plane ticket in my name now.  Not that I'm thinking a lot about that or anything... ;)  Don't worry, I'm still working hard.  My companion was still not feeling too great so we had to take it easy for the rest of the week and on Saturday we weren't even able to go out which was no fun.  Sunday we had our Ward Conference and it went really well. We had a new investigator come to church and so hopefully she will start to progress. One of our members invited her. We're still working hard on somebody named Jennifer. She's really smart and wants to come to church but her parents aren't letting her right now so hopefully soon that will change. We're trying to work on that situation.  This week is the last week of this transfer and then next Wednesday I will begin my final transfer. It's so crazy to think about but everything still feels the same.  I still have some time where I can make a difference though so I'll keep pushing hard.  It's like the third period...just a few minutes to go. :)  Well, talk to ya'll next week!

Love Elder Kitchen

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